A blog about my life in Korea

HaPpy HAllOwEen!!! Muah ha ha

Well, my actual Halloween night was uneventful but, I wanted it like that. I stayed in the house, watched movies, and blogged. Actually, that's what I'm doing right now. However, I did attend the festivities at school (like I have a choice. It was fun actually. I got to dress up as a... yes, you guessed it...a witch!! Teacher witch Korean poses. my students were fighting over the camera that's why it's blurry. My bomb discount was creative for a one time thing. Can you peep the striped tights? I think I've been the same thing every year that I was allowed to be something. The does and don'ts varied alot as a kid. Anyways, classes were shortened and we were able to scare the kids. First we brought the kids into the auditorium/kindergarten room and played a riddle game with them. Then, we had a best costume contest. For some reason All of the kids were witches, or some variation of the scream mask meets whatever they wanted, or the infamous skeleton hoodie. Nothing unique or spectacular here. little witch. I adore this girl. She is so sweet. I was cheering for her loudly even though like 7 other kids had the same costume on. I'm bad. This is one of my students. This kind of looks like his normal face no lie. Same bone One of the contest There was only one girl who "thought outside the box" and dressed up as a cat.I have a picture. I digress... After the contest the kids participated in making mummy races with toilet paper. I decided to film the one student who didn't want to participate (just my luck. Oh its somewhere in this post).

After mummy races, the kids did a bootleg version of Bloody Mary. The crowd of children yelled Bloody Mary 3 times and my coworker who was dressed up as Freddy Krugar ran in the room and grabbed their heads with the claw. The young children cried. The older children were not impressed. Freddy. He's a little less scary as a midgit I must say. Lastly, one class at a time the students went into a dark room behind some curtain and got scared. The school called it "Trick or Treating" though I don't quite get this concept. They did give candy afterwards to the brave souls that went in but no one knocked on the door, or even said the words "trick or treat". Whatever this is Korea. After all that fun they asked the children to go back to class to pass in homework and take a test. Needless to say, alot of students failed and made the warning board that day (Side note: Warning board is a great disciplinary tool they use at the school where every time you have to speak to a child you put them on the warning board. After 3 warnings they go see the director whom either takes these stickers that are worth money away or whoops them depending on the offense. One time this child had a whooping worthy offense and he got yoked up right out of the chair in the middle of class. After his beat down the director sat him in his chair and there were no more problems. I love warning board.) Ok so Halloween... Oh yeah, as staff we had to dress up too. I was a witch like I said, my coworkers were a vampire, a baseball player, a boxer, Freddy Krugar,Snowhite, a doctor, and a nerd from return of the nerds. I never know who may read this blog so I'll keep my comments about some of the people and their costumes at bay but just know I have some comments. Some here...some not. nerd the doctor boxer the staff Last but certainly not least, I took some photos of the children that make me happy. Now I believe you should never let children know, especially by words or actions, that you may favor some over the others but, the truth is that you probably do. I was down in the dumps upon arriving to school and my first 2 classes picked my mood right up. They always do. They're great. The third class seems to do the opposite but there is one here or there whom I still favor. They're a rowdy bunch but, I love them. They're the reason you become a teacher. Theyr're so sweet,eager to learn, and compete to please the teacher. If only the whole world were like them. Class 2- I don't know, they are definetly tied with class 1 for being my favorites. they're more calm and collected. It's amazing how the classes have personalities as a whole. These are my babies! Silver lining on every cloud student. I have her sister in my other class and she's the same way. They even look alike! Now I know, I would say if reading this, "They all look alike" but, when you see siblings it's like damn! How did your parents refine the genes to a science? I mean twin status even if they're years apart! Well that's a wrap my friends. I must go but, until next time anyong hi kaseyo!!!

The South Gate-Naumdemeun Market

I really think that I should name this post, "That's So Korean, Episode 26". I'm all for sucking up this whole experience and keeping myself entertained. Anyways, I went to the grocery store the other day to buy some food so that I can begin my diet and save money. Now, whilst at the store I noticed there was a pack of colorful sausages. It even had green sausages. Now, I understand most people would say, " Hecky naw" and run the other way but I, I had dreams of seeing what they taste like and making a remix of green eggs and ham in the morning. So below, I show you...breakfast!

green eggs and ham ham and eggs! How you like them apples

Of course this did not end my Korean food escapades!!! Saturday evening I went to meet a woman for the first time. I need friends. I really wanted to see the much raved about Naumdemeun Market. It is large, but it's not my type of party. You have to search blocks and blocks to find anything out of the ordinary. Many of the stands were seafood stands, bootleg pocket books and socks. Which, lets face it, you can find on any corner in Korea and I mean any! I guess the best part is you can haggle and always ask for a discount there (kaka chuseyo in Korean), which I hear is the only way to go. So after window shopping and wish listing items in my head for all of 45 minutes I was worn out and hungry. My new friend said it seems that I seem that I'm always Yes it is truth. Anyways, we stopped by a street food stand and ordered a plate of sweet and spicy sesame ochinga/squid. minus the "bones", which I was unaware squid was supposed to have, it was Mashi Soyo/delicious.

squiggly squid.say that 10 times fast

At my meal, we also had some Soju. Soju is like a Korean vodka but weaker. Not much weaker. It does a number on your stomach before it does one on your mood. It's in every 7/11 and evry restaurant around and It's only a dollar at most places. Only half a bottle will get you started right. So after our meal, I needed to visit the ladies room. Now I had heard of the asian public restrooms but they all looked like home to me until last night. Not only is it like a urinal in the floor, but it's really an aim and balancing combo mixed into one. The stall is small, and I'm a lady. I usually don't have to worry about aiming, but If you dont want to get your boot like I did, then start practing before you visit because it is no joke. The bathroom is nasty like most public restrooms are so, you'll probably be wearing a coat, holding your purse, balance and aim all at the same time. Dont try it drunk.

Next"That's So Korean" topic: Beyonce at BaviPhat?!, while at the market we passed this store named Baviphat with pictures of Beyonce everywhere. I'm still a little confused about this one. Since when do you promote knock offs with the wrong person.Like if i have a bootleg Vera Wang dress I'm hustling, Is it ok to put photos of Lucy Lui from Charlie's Angels outside my stand. Don't I want to convince you it's as close to the real thing as possible? Anyway, If you don't know, Kimora Lee produced the BabyPhat line. It was not BaviPhat and it wasn't Beyonce. Beyonce is House of Dereon, which by the way, was the products they were selling I think. I didn't know Beyonce had a make up line. If not, In Korea she does. Dereon make up. "No black color" or at least that's what the store salesperson told me. Im a just leave that alone all together.

Beyonce at Baviphat

By the end of the night, after a meet up here, a phone call there, and a bump into some new random girl there, I had a great time with three new friends. I don't have a photo for the last one but,it was cool. I think I can come off the facebook now since I know about a good 6 or 7 people. I'm not even a good manger of time like that. We'll see.

Last but, certainly not least, photos of the top of the market. This is one entrance but there is no way you can take a picture of it all.

naumdemeun photos

Im So Hood

"Yeah I wear my pants below my waist....If you get closer to my house than you know what Im talking about"...I dont know how many of you know that song but, I promise it's my theme for Korea. Ps. That picture is my hood girl Seandriqua (alter ego) look from back in the day.SO, I figured I'd update you on hood item number 24: Drying clothes. So as you may have seen from the video in my previous entry, my wash machine is in the bathroom.and I have no shower stall or actual sink, only space and a drain. So basically I can brush my teeth, wash a load, and take a shower at the same time. Multitasking, mulitasking.Koreans don't play that slacker one at a time bulls***!!! Anyways, I dont have a dryer though. Just a drying rack that is up on the roof in the dark corner behind the spooky door which I dare not go to. There are these tacky hooks in my wall though... coat hooks. Why are they sporatically placed on the wall in my living room?I dont know. I stopped asking questions after the third day. My only answer is that it is Korean. Enough said. So I took the liberty of using my wall as a drying rack, which by the way, works exceptionally well. Ondol heating (home heating through a water system in your floor) is very good at drying out everything in your home including your lips.Cocoa butter is a must.
Here is a photo below.

Ok problem number two: my students think im so fat that I'm pregnant. Which I am not by the way. The pregnant teacher who they are mixing me up with is anorexic as bleep bleep bleep, so I see why they are confused. Her baby is going to be born with washboard abs!! Im getting to the plump side by American standards but I'm morbid by Korean standards and I wear a juniors 9. Whats up with that. I had to vent. Its all good now. Chao! or actually Anyong hi kaseyo!


Korean television is made for adults only!!! Oh and I've posted alot since yesterday so if you havent checked me out in a minute keep scrolling down. Then read up. Watch this entire commercial though. I peeped this on someone else's blog cuz my tv is broken from the previous teacher.IT s bananas!!!

Its a beautiful day in the neighborHOOD

An old school Korean House though you wont see these unless you ride about 3 hours out on a back road.
SO let me post what the alleys that lead to my house look like. I live in the slums of Korea but, I'm over it because about 5 alley turns, 2 stray dogs, and an ajumma (old behind Korean ladies who are usually hacking sars) down I'm right around the corner from the high life. The apartments next door to me are about 1 million US dollars because this is the nice side of town and I'm not being sarcastic. In a crowded city like this you can't have your cake and eat it too...(theres just not enough, be happy if you see it). So here's some videos. Oh and loweron this page... remember how I mentioned that Korean are special... well um I think their confused. The straight ment act like fagots with man bags( I mean full on pocket book), cutesy cartoon shirts that are smedium as hell, and holding hands and sitting on the laps of their bff.Its everywhere really. I tried to take some pictures inconspicously, so work with me here. You see him all bood the hell up? huh? you do, yeah thats his homeboy. No homo. and though blurry, peep his skinny jeans, noxema night cream skin, and pocket book. Hes actually very masculine compared to what I've been seeing. I'll try again for picks tommorrow.

So in L.O.V.E

So its been brought to my attention that some of my dear friends (Quita), hell almost all were/are shocked to hear that I have a boo/husband and am dangerously,blindly, insanely in love with him. Yes friends its true. I thought seriously about not even embarking on this little adventure and, am now ready to return home, but an old friend reminded me of one of my life's driving quotes. It brought everything into somewhat of a persepctive. That quote is in 20 years you'll regret the things you didn't do, rather than the ones you did. I hope that quote doesn't bite me in the behind and make me regret coming but, I have a strong faith that things will work out fine. I didn't want to stay and then 5 years down the road I'm talking coulda shoulda wouldas. Anyways, this is my version of shouting it from the rooftops that I love this man and here is a photo for yall to see...Dont look to hard

Here in picture numero uno, there is a photo of my sexy man right there. peep the arms, peep the lips, um um uhm just look. ok ima stop.

SO I realize all this mf sexy in one picture my be difficult to look at at once, but if you focus you can see we look great together.

get out of our grill I miss this. Korea sucks!

Various Videos

That's so Korean!!! or things that make you go Hum...

This photo explains the reason I am here.It is also a "That's so Korean" pic.
You must come to Korea and you will understand. I have only been here two weeks and I realize they have their own little special way of doing things.Some things you may see and think thats so Korean.I've posted some things that make me think that's so Korean, and a few snapshots of the neighborhood. Here goes...

My bomb dinner for 5 dollars!! This pic isn't even showing the fish I had. It's probably because they were murdering it while I was taking this photo. They snatch it out the fish tank and give it too you moments later. Sorry, Its a Kris eat fish world out there.

traditional and still very common Korean restaurant dining room. I order my own food here in butchered Korean and recieved a chopstick lesson by the owner. I must have been messing up the art of it. He fed me the first two bites against my serious.It was good!

I saw this in the store and pointed out to my white coworker that a black woman was on this korean box. She laughed but I was for real excited, so I took a picture of it.Is she on the coffee box b/c she is black though? Probably, black lady for black coffee. It makes sense in Korea.

The pictures I promised plus latest update!

So where do I begin actually. Lets go back to like day 4. SO all last week I watched the leaving teacher in class and that for real, was it. Its funny because it's like a tv show or something that keeps going on even when the same person can't play the role. So exit Jade, insert me, the new Jade. New face, same cast, same show keeps moving. I've taken on her classes, her home, with the same furniture and it's funny that we are similiar in appearance.I'll probably cross some of the same friends because the expat community is larger than I thought by a long shot but, still pretty small. Anyway, I watched a class and went home everyday last week, went to the PC bang to check my mail, or waited in my apartment until I nearly starved to death before I would venture out to eat. Lucky me, I was able to meet up with this really cool Korean and Japanese girl from . We went to Itaewon which is the foreigner district,( basically little America) and partied at this bar that played really good music. I hung out with her for sushi at lunch later in the week too. Oh and my coworker showed me how to get to E-Mart!!!It's like Wally world but better!!. Better you ask? certaintly not?! Oh yes my friends a super "Wally world" in English in a foreign land is most definetly better and they really have everything! Um yeah so... another great thing about Korea is that I'm a baller on my American chump change. A full dinner with main meal, soup, and salad is like 5 dollars and slammin too. I love asian food, not like bootleg 5 dollar chinese food at home but, Korean food truly makes me happy. Lastly, well actually close to lastly, I went out last night to a spoken word here, hung out with these 2 korean guys at a bar and got to visit Hongdae which was like ATL in Korea. Black folks everywhere. I was lovin it like Mcdonalds, and I love Mickey D's. So for a cap, I moved into my rickety behind raggedy behind apartment today, and you'd have to be me to be excited about it. I don't know, maybe because I haven't had my own in two years, or maybe cuz I've lived in worse and paid for it, or maybe cuz I see it's potential but, I like the dump. It's cozy and it will be home for the next year. So below, I have taken video which by the way does not play sound, of my apartment and uploaded pictures that I've taken around the way.

Im trying to paint a picture here. Giving you a play by play like your on the trip with me. it works better if you make the pictures and videos large. Here is boarding for Seoul. I managed to get the picture with all 5 foreigners on

IDK WTF this says but this was one of the TVs in the back of the seat. This is Asiana and not seoul plane right?lol. get it tvs in the ride, soul plane seoul plane? whatever! These Tvs play music, good up to date movies, give announcements and play games!!!

I think they're saying your ass is grass if we crash.

my meal on Asiana. They hook it up! feed you good. 3 times in 1 day!

did I mention... complete with tadpoles with eyes and a foreign coke!

Begginning my life anew as an immigrant.

I turned in my 300 american dollars for 320,000 won. Dun Dun Dun we gettin A-rab money! or um Korean actually. Balling! Ill be a millionaire come this first pay day!

They say Asia is the safest places to live but um... this is Gangsta!

Some neighborhood shots. It's a developing country. It looks a little third world in some parts but believe it or not this is the nice side of town!

my boss was nice enough to take me out to eat the first few nights. On my own below, is what I ate. Im telling you being illiterate is tough!!