A blog about my life in Korea


Well what is there to say really. I read through a million blogs and I realize that a million and one words arent really interesting but the interesting part hasnt really started yet. Its like im just waiting for my time to be finished here in school. As things are winding up I feel the pressure slowly creeping on like a pillow in the hand of a homicidal lunatic. It is slowly pressing down, suffocating me... slowly but most definetly surely. My professors just started holding class and informing us of what we have to do 2 weeks ago. I only have 6 weeks left. I dont have nearly enough pictures, time, energy or money to do what needs to be done. Im realizing thst damn Ima need some funds. I have an Interview with Appletree recruiting tonight at 10pm my time. Ini told me that it will be 11am Monday in Korea time when she calls me as well as some other tips for negotiating pay. I have an interview with the Canadian International school in Seoul. I hope this is the one. An international School will be excellent on my application.
I had recently begun to get nervous because of all of the trouble between North Korea and South Korea. Many Asians that I have spokent to weather be from Vietnam or South Korea or where have you arent worried because they've been threatening for years. I feel that this could be the time that they're tired of talking. So I was looking up spanish seaking countries as it was my first love. I've been keeping up to date by reading the Korean herald but I hope Im just over exaggerating the worst. At least Ill be in a city that the american Embassy and army bases spread all around it. Ill only be gone for a year anyway. So hopefully theyre not coming after tall African american girls and I should be fine. So Im still down for an adventure. Whew... Im glad I got that off my chest it was really getting to me. On a better note. Heres my new hair do.


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