A blog about my life in Korea

That's so Korean!!! or things that make you go Hum...

This photo explains the reason I am here.It is also a "That's so Korean" pic.
You must come to Korea and you will understand. I have only been here two weeks and I realize they have their own little special way of doing things.Some things you may see and think thats so Korean.I've posted some things that make me think that's so Korean, and a few snapshots of the neighborhood. Here goes...

My bomb dinner for 5 dollars!! This pic isn't even showing the fish I had. It's probably because they were murdering it while I was taking this photo. They snatch it out the fish tank and give it too you moments later. Sorry, Its a Kris eat fish world out there.

traditional and still very common Korean restaurant dining room. I order my own food here in butchered Korean and recieved a chopstick lesson by the owner. I must have been messing up the art of it. He fed me the first two bites against my serious.It was good!

I saw this in the store and pointed out to my white coworker that a black woman was on this korean box. She laughed but I was for real excited, so I took a picture of it.Is she on the coffee box b/c she is black though? Probably, black lady for black coffee. It makes sense in Korea.


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