So let me be quick as I rush to write this moments before take off. Im sitting in LAX, Las Angeles airport on the ground, in a corner, with a dress, scarf, and a winter coat. I have taken pictures and videos of my window seat view on the way here. Things started off ok until, dun dun dun... the plane ran out of gas and we had to make an emergency landing in Las Vegas. After an eternity, we pulled off only to arrive an hour after my flights expected departure. Oh, and did I mention the first flight was 8 hours and the next flight is 12!!!!!!!!! 20 hours on a plane.My calculations were off. Anyway, I had to wait in customer service for another hour, for them to tell me I may have to wait 8 hours to catch the next flight which appeared to be full anyway but, one thing I've learned is a prayer, no matter how small works and so after a speedy frustrated one, the agent told me my flight was delayed 4 hours and I'd still be able to make it. I never thought Id be thrilled about a delay but, It gave me the time I needed to transfer money, charge my computer and try to figure out wifi and international calls. So much already. I will do a real post once I get settled.
me lookin hit wit my boo and ma
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