A blog about my life in Korea

Oh the places you'll go

I think that book can also be listed as a secondary motto to my life. Hopefully. Anyway like I said Ive just been here collecting dust waiting for the time to pass. Until an old light bulb flickered on. One that is familiar. One that says life is what you make of it. Often times I think what makes a new place so beautiful is that its new. Just like when a man cheats on his wife whom he loves with an unknown new woman. shes exciting simply because she is new. Or when you get a new doll for christmas and you throw your old doll aside for a minute simply because shes new. I even had a teacher Mr. Evans once who told me back when I was an over achiever not to reread my paper a million times because after a while it will sound boring to me just because its not new. A wise woman once said," familiarity breeds contempt". So Ive decided to turn to good ol' GA and look at her with new eyes as I once did. I realize the small things count and if I can just capture a few maybe itll feel new like it once did. Thats my mission for the upcoming week. Capture my city and make it new. I loved atlanta once down to the bone. I loved the bruntess of its people, the indepence that the city forced upon you, the strength of the people to make a way out of no way and to even host a college whose motto is "find a way or make one". I loved the ice cream truck that was actually a family van with stickers on it.I loved the jagged back roads, the festivals that lined the streets in the summer. All the good eateries and little shops made out of a table and cooler or some old storage space. I even loved it down to the stanky smell that floated across your nose in the summer when you walked downtown of must from all the bumbs sweating in the park. It let you know that someone wa always around. I even love the aggressive men who only wanted to know your name but would make you feel like a dime on your worst day by the way they harrassed your ass. Yup Good ol' Atlanta. Well hers a couple to start well see what I have by the end of the week to compare to when I go away.


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